
Echoes uncle marvel
Echoes uncle marvel

He navigates through the corridors, familiar with the route even in the dim light, until he reaches his door. Miguel walks towards his apartment, his steps slow and deliberate, as if he's afraid to disturb the tranquility of the moment. You stir slightly, but your slumber remains undisturbed. He walks around the truck and gently lifts you into his arms, cradling you against his chest. With a soft smile playing on his lips, Miguel carefully opens the car door, making sure not to disturb you. The weight of his responsibilities and worries momentarily fades away as he focuses on this quiet moment shared between the two of you. He marvels at how effortlessly you have fallen asleep, finding solace in knowing that you feel safe in his presence. Gently, Miguel reaches over to stroke a stray lock of hair away from your face, his touch light and tender. The sound of your steady breathing fills the cab, and he can't help but feel a warm sense of contentment. He turns off the engine and takes a moment to appreciate the peace that surrounds you. He smiles at your still form, pleased to see you didn’t get jump-scared when the truck stopped. You sleep soundly even as he pulls into his apartment parking lot. He keeps his attention on the road, yet he still can't seem to keep his eyes off you, seemingly unable to help himself.

echoes uncle marvel

He takes turns slower than usual and makes sure to avoid potholes and bumps, suddenly a very careful driver. The drive is mostly silent, Miguel can’t help but glance at you every now and then. You and Miguel walk back to his truck, and you fall asleep on the drive to his home. He comes off as genuinely happy to spend time with you that isn’t in dire circumstances. You can rest and we can cuddle when we get back to my place.” “Deal,” he laughs as he takes the clipboard from you to hand to one of the staff members. O’Hara, you’ve got yourself a deal.” Miguel chuckles. Of course he doesn’t know what size his bed is. You’re doing better than you give yourself credit for, so you should be allowed to relax a bit. “I’d like that,” he whispers in appreciation. He reaches out and takes your hand in his, eyes shining with affection. Miguel’s eyes light up when you agree to cuddle and grands you with a rare happy smile. I think you deserve it after dealing with this disaster of an afternoon,” You flash him a wide grin and roll your eyes a bit. “But maybe we could cuddle? If you want?” he offers sheepishly. He clears his throat and gives a nervous laugh. I didn’t mean, like…” he trails off and fidgets with his jacket zipper, trying to hide his embarrassment. “No, I-I meant like… I’ll stay with you while you take a nap. “Huh? Oh, no,” he responds quickly, blushing slightly. Miguel’s eyes widened as he realized what he said, surprised at his own words and forgetfulness to conceal his feelings. You paused and turned your head to him, a smile slowly spreading over his face. “Let’s get you home and into a real bed, hmm?” he queried as you wrote on the paper rubbing your back comfortingly. After you bid goodbye to the officer, you are handed a clipboard to finish discharging from the hospital. Miguel watches with an almost vacant expression, as if his mind is somewhere else. Your hands shake as you relate the information, anxiety filling you to the brim. The officer asks you to provide some information and recount the story of what happened between you and your now ex-boyfriend. Miguel squeezes your hand and steps several feet away to give you both some semblance of privacy. She asks for your name, you give it, and she offers you a seat. There was a police officer waiting at the desk. With six stitches in your arm and orders to ice your bruises, you and Miguel exit the treatment room some time later and must finish some paperwork. The doctor announces herself with a knock and approaches with some medical supplies. “I wanna take a nap in a real bed,” you conclude, childlike in manner.

echoes uncle marvel

“Let me know if there’s anything I can do, alright?” he says gently. Miguel gives you a tender hug and nestles into your neck, squeezing you. Like a vessel battered by crashing waves, your heart has weathered the storm, and now you stand at the precipice of realization. When you break apart many minutes later, your lips are swollen and your eyes glow with admiration. Stats: Published: Updated: Words: 9,614 Chapters: 7/8 Comments: 25 Kudos: 152 Bookmarks: 15 Hits: 3,244

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  • Echoes uncle marvel